Let’s start with transparency. This blog is a shameless pitch about an upcoming musical event at the Dunn Gardens.  I could dance about with notions of how music and gardens complement each other and always have. But, having taken a vow of transparency I’ll take the direct route.

LeRoy Bell and his Only Friends will be performing on the Great Lawn, July 16 and we would love you to come and hear them.

LeRoy is both a well-known and well-loved rhythm and blues artist in the area. (One of the performers at the Northwest Folklife Festival in Seattle, May 2017. That’s not small beer.)  But, the dude also has international music chops as they say in the business. Check them out

LeRoy is coming back to the Dunn because we invited him. We did so because one sunny July day, last year, he played on our Great Lawn and the afternoon was nothing short of magic. LeRoy and his backers had the crowd clapping, dancing, singing, and humming on their way home.

How could we not wish for that all over again? As noted, music has long been celebrated in gardens, so the happy match was not unexpected. What we did regret last year was hearing from disappointed people. “We wish we’d known LeRoy was playing in the Dunn,” was a refrain we don’t want to hear again. Shamelessly, we are asking you to spread the word this year.

There is more you could add when putting the word out that a good concert is on offer. Besides the music there will be opportunity to wander the 7.5 acre Olmstedian garden in its full summer glory. Mixed media artist Marilyn Charlat Dix  will have a display of her work. If neither of those appeal you can merely sit, drink the beer and wine available for purchase and enjoy being still.

No matter what your preference, when you buy a ticket to LeRoy’s concert you are supporting your own emotional well-being.  And now the moment of real transparency. You are also supporting the emotional well-being of those of us who work at the Dunn. This is because your purchase helps to support the Gardens.

Love to see you there on July 16 and so would LeRoy and His Only Friends. You cannot promise very much with certainty in this world, but with history as our guide you will not be disappointed with a choice to spend the afternoon in the Dunn with LeRoy.  

Tickets available on Brown Paper Tickets