Winter is dead; spring is crazy; summer is cheerful and autumn is wise! ~Mehmet Murat ildan

Winter is dead; spring is crazy; summer is cheerful and autumn is wise! ~Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan is from Turkey, and is a playwright/ novelist whose pronouncements tend to become sayings.

We can hope that this year the wordsmith is correct and autumn will, indeed, be wise. Such a season would be a welcome antidote for the summer that has been more than a little robust. Between the 2015 protracted drought, wild fires that ravaged Washington, and the November-like storm that came as an unwelcome punch at the end of August, nature seems to have become unloosed. This summer has been a season that feels like few others.

In among such extraordinary events it is human to look for the reassurance of the ordinary or the normal. For those interested in plants and gardens that would be the plants and gardens they love. Gardeners were not disappointed after the August rain. A small drop of water and the grass renews itself back to green and continues to grow. The bushes sit up, refreshed, and the garden is again calm. And hopeful. 

The fall is now starting to beckon: the odd leaf is turning, the summer harvest is all but over, advice on fall plantings is being proffered by garden writers and nurseries. Plus, there is a little chill at night, a small promise that things are getting cooler and darker. And, we can hope, wiser.

It does bear saying though that even in such an extraordinary summer the Dunn Gardens has enjoyed extraordinary generosity from donors and visitors who have helped us celebrate our Centennial. They have come to events, donated their time and funds to help support the Gardens. Supporters’ willingness to donate has helped soften the edges of the season and like rain in a dry garden, given us hope. The Dunn will indeed be around to celebrate a bicentenary.

To paraphrase the words of the Turkish writer: We can expect a lot more cheerful and wise seasons to enjoy in the Dunn Gardens. At the moment though we are interested in one in particular. This fall we have a favorite event coming up, October 25, Fall Foliage Festival.

Love to see you there as we start to close off our year of celebrations.