The Dunn Gardens sends good wishes for 2017 and hopes your new year resolution to see more gardens will be easy to keep.

As a new year starts the Dunn Gardens would also like to express thanks to our donors and supporters for their faith in what we do. All generous acts – volunteer and fiscal – support those of us who work at the Dunn in our cherished belief that a historic garden is to be valued and preserved. 

We are grateful but not surprised by the generosity we experience. In 2015 Americans donated a record $373 billion to charities according to The Giving Institute’s “Giving USA 2016: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the year 2015.” Most of this money, 71%, came from individuals whose values align with the work of a particular charity, most often religious, educational or those in a human services area. Only 3% of charity dollars are directed to support work related to the environment. So we are truly grateful for the folks who find it in their heart to give to a garden. 

Donors don’t need convincing of the Dunn’s historic value but if you happen to want some hard data of the Gardens’ worth we can provide. We think of ourselves as both a living museum and an urban forest. The Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers believe a mature tree can have an appraised value of between $1,000 to $10,000. Better yet, these trees are able to absorb about 48 pounds of CO2 per year. So, not only do our trees provide beauty, they work while doing so. Not such a bad deal. 

Once again, our thanks to you for your support in 2016 and we look forward to seeing you at the Dunn Gardens in 2017. We have a line up of events that will delight.