The word resolution has an action-filled, positive impetus to it and suggests a vision to be realized.

The word resolution has an action-filled, positive impetus to it and suggests a vision to be realized. However, the line that can be drawn between the inception and the realization of a resolution frequently stretches out across the decades. In addition it usually requires the help of many.  

Two such resolutions made by the Dunn Gardens have  their feet firmly in the past and, like all robust pledges, promise to enrich the future.

 Establishment of a Dunn Gardens Archives was resolved when the Dunn Gardens became a trust in 1993. The first step to making the idea a reality began with Mary Ellen (Micki) Ryan. In 1993 and 1994 she organized many of the materials that will become part of the inventory of the archives.   Micki’s work has been followed up over the years most closely by Bob Findlay, a retiring Board member who is remaining in his retirement to see the archives launched. 

Thanks to the recent grants awarded by the community-based organization, 4Culture, the Dunn Gardens Archives are about to become a reality in 2014. 

Celebration of the Dunn Gardens Ce

ntennial in 2015 was probably not on the mind of Arthur Dunn when he established the gardens in 1915 but it has been close to the hearts of those who work on behalf of the them.  A resolution that 2015 will be  a year in which to showcase the era when the garden was developed was taken some time ago. The planning for it is well underway.  Like the archives it will be a celebration of the past – and as these things go – provide opportunities for  the making of further resolutions to keep the future a vibrant one.

Needless to say it will be our pleasure to update you on both matters over time.

The Dunn Gardens hopes your own resolutions will bear fruit this year.