Langdon Miller
Board Member
Langdon Miller, past-president, learned about the Dunn Gardens when he and his wife joined the Dunn Gardens tour of New Zealand where they got to know members of the Dunn Garden community. Langdon’s appreciation of plants and gardens dates to his adolescence His principal avocational interest remains gardening and he is delighting in the opportunity to learn new plants and a new climate zone in Seattle where he moved with his wife in 2010. Langdon was born in the Midwest, spent his early childhood in the Washington, DC area, and has been educated at institutions across the US and in the UK. His past work positions have taken him to Maryland, Michigan, and New Jersey. Langdon, a physician, has worked as a pharmaceutical drug developer designing clinical trials for new therapies to treat cancer and genetic disorders. In the course of his work he has held senior leadership or company officer positions in government and in large and small biopharmaceutical companies. Currently, he consults for several biotechnology and venture capital companies. He has authored multiple regulatory documents, scientific publications, promotional presentations, and grant applications.