
Charlanne Dunn McGinnis
Charlanne Dunn McGinnis, President, has been involved with the Dunn Gardens all her life as a member of the Dunn family. Char attended Cornish School of Fine Arts, studying voice, dance and drama. She studied Psychology and Business at Seattle Community College.
Char began her career in non-profit organizations at the age of four, when she worked with her mother on the Mayor’s Seattle Hospitality Committee. She has volunteered with the Denver Women’s Shelter and as a Guardian Ad Litem in a Pilot Program with King County Juvenile Court. Char has also served on the Board of Maryhill Museum for 9 years, on the Maryhill Development Committee, and Nominations Committee as Member at Large. She is President of The Arthur G. Dunn Guild for Maryhill Museum.
She managed dental clinics throughout her career: the University of Washington Orthodontic Clinic working with Masters Students, a dental clinic in Denver and opened and managed her husband’s dental clinic in Everett. She is the Manager and Partner of Dunn Investment Group LLC and Partner in CCA LLC.

Alan Rowberg MD
Board Member
Alan Rowberg’s, interest in Dunn Gardens started in 2010, when he found the gardens on a map close to his sister-in-law’s house and asked about it. After attending a few Dunn Gardens events, he was hooked and has enjoyed many events each year since then. With a background in technology, he is interested in how Dunn Gardens can continue to increase the value of its webpages and electronic and print communications, as well as continuing the tradition of conducting superb social and educational events for our community.
Alan received a B.S. in biology from Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, M.S. in computer science from The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, and an M.D. in medicine from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. After three years in the Army he spent 5 years with GE in the CT Scanner group, involved with advanced applications and marketing. He served on the faculty in Radiology at the University of Washington from 1982 to 1998, where he did research in image data compression, in addition to research into more general areas of Picture Archiving and Communications Systems, including workstation design, user interface evaluation, and patient databases. He then spent seven years as an independent consultant before joining Northwest Hospital, where he manages the computer system in Radiology.
Alan has been active in the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology (SCAR), including serving as its President, and is also involved in several healthcare informatics societies. He is Chair of Working Group 4 (Compression) of the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Committee.

Linda Breiwick
Linda Breiwick, Past-President, grew up in the neighborhood of the Dunn Gardens with Pat and Char Dunn and Ruth Kagi. She became interested in gardening from her mother who gardened with Ed Dunn. Linda became a docent in 2005 and remains one today.
Linda holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Colorado Women’s College. After graduation she spend a clinical year at Virginia Mason’s Clinical Laboratory then worked at Northwest Hospital. She spent 28 years teaching at Shoreline Community College as faculty and Program Director of the Medical Laboratory Technology Program where she coordinated budgets, hired faculty and participated in tenure committees.

Chuck Ogburn
Vice President: Conservation
Chuck attended several Northwest Horticultural Society (NHS) events at the Dunn Gardens. During a Dunn Garden organized garden trip to New Zealand he met and got to know several Dunn Gardens board and staff members. Upon his return they recruited him to the Board.
Chuck has also been on the NHS Board for about 5 years. He currently serves as a Vice President and Chairperson for 3 committees including Finance and Budget, Plant Sale, and Board Development/Nominating.
Chuck’s career included Research Scientist and Laboratory Management in the University Of Washington Department Of Pathology for 32 years. Significant responsibilities included research project development and execution, grant writing and management of staff and laboratories for the study of the genetics and cell biology of aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Chuck holds a. B.S in Microbiology, B.S. in Botany, and M.S. in Pathology all from University of Washington.

Langdon Miller
Board Member
Langdon Miller, past-president, learned about the Dunn Gardens when he and his wife joined the Dunn Gardens tour of New Zealand where they got to know members of the Dunn Garden community. Langdon’s appreciation of plants and gardens dates to his adolescence His principal avocational interest remains gardening and he is delighting in the opportunity to learn new plants and a new climate zone in Seattle where he moved with his wife in 2010. Langdon was born in the Midwest, spent his early childhood in the Washington, DC area, and has been educated at institutions across the US and in the UK. His past work positions have taken him to Maryland, Michigan, and New Jersey. Langdon, a physician, has worked as a pharmaceutical drug developer designing clinical trials for new therapies to treat cancer and genetic disorders. In the course of his work he has held senior leadership or company officer positions in government and in large and small biopharmaceutical companies. Currently, he consults for several biotechnology and venture capital companies. He has authored multiple regulatory documents, scientific publications, promotional presentations, and grant applications.

Tanya DeMarsh-Dodson
Tanya DeMarsh-Dodson’s parents knew Ed Dunn, but she was introduced to the gardens by Doug Bayley in 1993 when the garden was recruiting docents. Tanya has served on two other garden boards: Kruckeberg Botanic Garden in Shoreline and PowellsWood Garden in Federal Way. Tanya’s formal education is in American and Russian history, with a focus on the Pacific Rimland areas.
Her less formal education has been in horticulture at Edmonds Community College and working in the field of ornamental horticulture. Tanya has worked in retail horticulture for over 20 years and then in public horticulture. Before that she taught at the university level. In retail horticulture she was responsible for the tree, shrub and ground cover selection at two different nurseries in the Seattle area. Additionally she was the person who set the prices on the stock and thus the margins and profits for the department. She also worked to promote the plants carried and educate the gardening public about how our various plant might be used in gardens. Tanya currently is a small business consultant for gardeners.

Carolyn Cox
Executive Director
Carolyn moved to the Northshire loop in 1999 and discovered the Dunn Gardens which she considers a beautiful gem of a garden. She served on the Board for several years before joining the staff as Event Coordinator and Trust Administrator. She is happy to take on the role of Exective Director as of 2019.
Carolyn holds a BA in literature from University of San Francisco. She is currently getting her Masters in Nonprofit Leadership at Northeastern University.

Konrad Liegel

J. Michael Kaiser

Chris Smith Towne
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