Past Presidents

Christopher Bayley

Linda Breiwick
Linda Breiwick, Past-President, grew up in the neighborhood of the Dunn Gardens with Pat and Char Dunn and Ruth Kagi. She became interested in gardening from her mother who gardened with Ed Dunn. Linda became a docent in 2005 and remains one today.
Linda holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Colorado Women’s College. After graduation she spend a clinical year at Virginia Mason’s Clinical Laboratory then worked at Northwest Hospital. She spent 28 years teaching at Shoreline Community College as faculty and Program Director of the Medical Laboratory Technology Program where she coordinated budgets, hired faculty and participated in tenure committees.

Michael Casteel

Tanya DeMarsh-Dodson
Tanya DeMarsh-Dodson’s parents knew Ed Dunn, but she was introduced to the gardens by Doug Bayley in 1993 when the garden was recruiting docents. Tanya has served on two other garden boards: Kruckeberg Botanic Garden in Shoreline and PowellsWood Garden in Federal Way. Tanya’s formal education is in American and Russian history, with a focus on the Pacific Rimland areas.
Her less formal education has been in horticulture at Edmonds Community College and working in the field of ornamental horticulture. Tanya has worked in retail horticulture for over 20 years and then in public horticulture. Before that she taught at the university level. In retail horticulture she was responsible for the tree, shrub and ground cover selection at two different nurseries in the Seattle area. Additionally she was the person who set the prices on the stock and thus the margins and profits for the department. She also worked to promote the plants carried and educate the gardening public about how our various plant might be used in gardens. Tanya currently is a small business consultant for gardeners.

Sue Dunn
In 1983 Susan was invited to a party at the home of Ginna Dunn and her son, Patrick, who she had met a few weeks earlier. She and Patrick married in 1986 and purchased the property from Ginna in March 1991. She enjoyed living next to Uncle Ed Dunn during the last six months of his life. The rest is history.
Susan served in the 10-99 Foundation and Behind the Badge Foundation as Board Member and Treasurer. She chaired the Construction Committee for the Law Enforcement Memorial on the Capitol campus in Olympia. She was an advisor/staff director for many state level boards while in state service.
She co-owned two small retail businesses in the 1970s and early 1980s while also employed in state government. She held management or staff consultant roles from Olympia headquarters for 25 of her 30 years in state government before she retired in 2001. Since then she has served as Vice-President of the public affairs consulting firm she owns with Pat Dunn.

Charlanne Dunn McGinnis
Charlanne Dunn McGinnis, President, has been involved with the Dunn Gardens all her life as a member of the Dunn family. Char attended Cornish School of Fine Arts, studying voice, dance and drama. She studied Psychology and Business at Seattle Community College.
Char began her career in non-profit organizations at the age of four, when she worked with her mother on the Mayor’s Seattle Hospitality Committee. She has volunteered with the Denver Women’s Shelter and as a Guardian Ad Litem in a Pilot Program with King County Juvenile Court. Char has also served on the Board of Maryhill Museum for 9 years, on the Maryhill Development Committee, and Nominations Committee as Member at Large. She is President of The Arthur G. Dunn Guild for Maryhill Museum.
She managed dental clinics throughout her career: the University of Washington Orthodontic Clinic working with Masters Students, a dental clinic in Denver and opened and managed her husband’s dental clinic in Everett. She is the Manager and Partner of Dunn Investment Group LLC and Partner in CCA LLC.

Dirk Giseburt

Linda Hanson

C. David Hughbanks