As a native ‘kiwi’ I am used to hearing New Zealand referred to by her citizens as ‘God’s Own.’
As a native ‘kiwi’ I am used to hearing New Zealand referred to by her citizens as ‘God’s Own.’ While it is true, I say modestly, I can certainly make the case that July in Seattle, 2013, also deserves the epithet. The consistently blue skies and warm temperatures this month have made residents positively demonstrative. Never more true than for ‘dirt-diggers’ who currently have many opportunities to see the gardens of others.
At the Dunn Gardens we like to think we match up to the ‘competition.’ This month the Dunn is full of the most magical hydrangeas. Blues and pinks are offset by a some starchy white bushes that have remained crisp throughout our lovely days.
The name hydrangea derives from the Greek hudor (water) and aggos (jug) which gives you a hint of their needs. In folklore hydrangeas stand for friendship, devotion, and understanding. These are qualities that we have discovered in our supporters and for which we are grateful. It is for this reason we give the ladies fair warning. An old British belief advises those looking for a husband against planting a white one near the bedroom. Come and see them at the Dunn Gardens instead!